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Reiki Level 1
Module 1: Welcome to Reiki Level 1!
Lesson 1: Introduction
Module 2: What is Reiki?
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Guided Meditation (Body scan)
Lesson 3: What is Reiki?
Lesson 4: History of Reiki
Lesson 5: How to give basic Reiki
Lesson 6: What is an Attunement?
Lesson 7: Overview
Module 3: The Reiki Techniques
Lesson 1: Introduction (0:39)
Lesson 2: Guided Meditation (The hands)
Lesson 3: The Reiki Principles
Lesson 4: Gassho
Lesson 5: The Reiki hand placements
Lesson 6: Your Attunement!
Lesson 7: Overview
BONUS LESSON! Pre and Post Reiki Rituals
Module 4: Closing Ceremonies
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Guided meditation (Reiki lights you up)
Lesson 3: Review of Reiki (thus far)
Lesson 4: What is a Reiki Share?
Lesson 5: Reiki is LIFELONG learning
Lesson 6: What about Reiki Level 2?
Lesson 7: Overview
BONUS LESSON! Frans Stiene on "What is Reiki?"
BONUS MODULE! Miscellaneous energy healing tools
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Guided meditation (Feel your Aura)
Lesson 3: Intro to the Chakras
Lesson 4: All about the Aura
Lesson 5: Energy clearing tools
Lesson 6: Overview
BONUS LESSON! Pre and Post Reiki Rituals
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